Star Wars
Blaster System (Experimenting with Motor6D and Raycasting)
R15 blaster system that will work with any model put in
Animated using Motor6D
Uses raycast to deal damage and displays rays client-sided to minimize client delay in seeing rays being shot out
Camera Thing (Incomplete, commission dropped)
Change camera, interactive menu that allows people to see which morph they take
Inventory System
Easily configurable, simply add models into a folder and name them properly for the entire system to work
Able to configure dozens of settings (e.g. droppable or not) and also settings for claiming the items in a store (e.g. which group rank/person can get access to these morphs in the store, how much they cost and if they are for sale, etc).
Any item, when properly configured to the template can be dropped and picked up.
Basically made their entire game for them - bank-robbing systems (similar to Jailbreak), arresting people, reputation systems, bounty systems, a mining system (to earn revenue) and certain "black-market" stores that you could buy printers to print money with, etc.
NOTE: The game was not fleshed out in the end due to a disagreement between parties (the owner wanted 100k for all those systems at a perfect, front-page state, which was not happening, and I was only paid 30k in the end).
For The Final Order